How much do I need to pay to change an Allegiant Air flight?

You can change Allegiant Air for free if you abide by the conditions and guidelines set by the airline. Also, the fare you need to pay depends majorly on the fare type and the time of change.

This article can help you find more information about the Allegiant change flight cost and the conditions associated with the flight change. So, do not agonize if you want to reschedule your flight, as Allegiant Air has your back!

General Flight Change Conditions at Allegiant Air

Allegiant Air allows travelers to book two fare types- Flex and Non-Flex. The change fee condition depends basically on these fare types. Check out the given points and make an informative decision with your reservation:

Non-Flex Fare

  • If you have a ticket that does not qualify for being a flex, you need to pay a considerable amount to complete the change formalities.
  • You must complete the flight change procedure at least seven days before the flight’s scheduled departure.
  • The airline has reduced the change fee price to $25; though the deduction is temporary, you can benefit from it by bringing the changes now!
  • However, the change you need to bring is subject to availability, and the airline has the right to deny any said changes.
  • The fare difference you pay while changing a flight with a non-flex fare is not refundable.

Flex Fare

  • As per the Allegiant change flight policy, you qualify for a free change if you purchased a flex fare from the airline; however, Allegiant Air limits the TripFlex fare usage only to one time.
  • If you have a TripFlex fare from Allegiant Air, you need to make the required changes at least seventy-two hours before the flight is set to depart.
  • The changes you make in the original reservation are eligible for the credit if there are any price differences, but you cannot obtain a refund.
  • You can bring the required changes in your itinerary depending on the availability, as the airline does not promise anything.
  • You can cancel a flex reservation for a refund, but the reservation must not be subjected to any amendments.|

Keep the given points in mind before you process the Allegiant change flight formalities. Also, there are some change fees that you must pay to bring the necessary changes to your reservation. Check out the forthcoming section to know more about the Allegiant Air flight change fee conditions!

Allegiant Air Flight Change Fees

Check out the Allegiant Air flight change fees conditions to avoid any future surprises:

  • If you have a TripFlex fare and need to make changes to your flight, you can do it for free.
  • As per the flight change policy of Allegiant Air, you cannot get any flight credit if you make change requests within a week of the flight’s departure.
  • Flight change at Allegiant Air depends mainly on the availability of seats, but you need to pay up to $75 for the same.

Once you visit the official Allegiant website, you can bring the Allegiant change flight date and other necessary changes on your own. However, if you need further assistance with the flight change, you can contact the airline’s travel consolidators. Book an Allegiant Air ticket to make your journey ‘elegant’ and comfortable!

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